Qualification M.Phil in Applied Psychology
Lahore College for Women University
Assistant Professor / Clinical Psychologist
25 years of undergraduate teaching experience
About Ms. Nighat
She did her master degree in Psychology with distinction and got Roll of Honor from Punjab university, Pakistan. She started her career as a student counselor in prestigious institute of the town. She completed her M.Phil in Applied Psychology in 2015. She has been part of the department of Behavioral Sciences and Psychiatry at Central Park Medical College from the beginning (2008) of the institute and delivering her services as the assistant professor and student counsellor till date.
In addition to the teaching responsibilities, she is delivering her services as a clinical psychologist in OPD Psychiatry. Family counseling is her special area of interest.
The title of research was ‘Family system’ (Attitude of young females towards joint family system).
The other research has been done on two other important factors of our society are ‘Parenting and “Emotional intelligence.
Always willing to actively participate in educational, training and research activities.